About Us!

HI! We are Randi and Tyler,

Here we are on top of Mt. Holy Cross

We are both passionate about travel, saving money, and trying to make a little sense of the world we live in. We try our best to attempt new things and experiment with the world around us. We currently live inside a 490 square foot studio in downtown Denver but will hopefully be downsizing again soon. So we are aspiring minimalists. When we first met (2011) we had a combined student debt load of ~50k but over the course of 2 years were were able to knock that out and get back to worthless. Since 2013 we have been focusing on keeping our spending down and income up so we can focus on things that are more important to us than new cars and material goods. Background on each of us individually:

Tyler enjoys:

  • Riding a unicycle
  • Technical review tech books
  • Participate in hackathons
  • Help local libraries and schools
  • Becoming proficient at new activities

Randi enjoys:

  • Hiking and camping (in the Colorado mountains, as well as elsewhere)
  • Learning about history and geography in Colorado…and anywhere else in the world
  • Creating cheap travel itineraries for destinations around the world (and hopefully going to those places)
  • Cooking and learning new ways to improve the effeciency of cooking away from my home kitchen
  • Wine with a view

If you want to contact us you can email us at travelsaveandbemerry@gmail.com, or @TravelSaveMerry

Austrian Alps

Austrian Alps

These hills really are alive with music!!

Randi Randi
We've Immigrated…still working to integrate

We've Immigrated…still working to integrate

Berlin life in the first three months

Randi Randi

Travel, Save, and be Merry

